Theses written by others can be a valuable source of inspiration for the structure of your thesis, or for gaining an overview of your field or topic. If you find a thesis similar to the one you are thinking of writing, take a look on the list of resources and literature review chapter. However, be careful, because not all published theses are credible and some may contain errors, so always check the evaluation by the thesis review committee (if available).
Theses from around the world
You can search for theses directly in the repository of a particular institution, or use Google Scholar or other search engine/repository that searches across multiple institutions.
Here, we present only a selection of these tools. If you are interested in theses from a particular institution, try searching its repository with its name and keyword (for example, “MIT repository”).
National and international repositories
- Open Access Theses and Dissertations: search for freely-available final theses (data from more than 1,100 institutions).
- EBSCO Open Dissertations: allows you to search records mainly from American and British universities (e.g., Virginia Tech), with links to full texts saved in these universities.
- ProQuest Dissertation & Theses: theses from all over the world, and NTK’s subscription provides access to the Sciences and Engineering collection. You can limit the search to full text by Doctoral dissertation theses only and Full text filters. Part of the collection is freely available in PQDT Open.
- DART-Europe E-theses Portal: theses from more than 500 European institutions, including many technical universities (e.g., ETH Zurich). Links to full texts (if available) and you can filter the results by language, country, and so on.
- EThOS: e-theses online service (British Library): dissertations from UK universities. If the thesis is available in electronic form, a link its full text is provided after registering (free) with the EThOS portal. You can limit your search to full text by selecting the Limit search to items available for immediate download.
- Theses Canada: theses from Canadian universities since 1965. Select the option Electronic theses only at the bottom of the form for full texts.
- Trove: Research & Reports (National Library of Australia): theses in Australian libraries, museums and archives. Go to Research & Reports section and, after entering the query, use the Format -Thesis filter.
Selected institutional repositories:
Czech theses
Searching across universities
If you want to search for theses on a certain topic from more than one institution at once, use the following search engines:
- Google Scholar: this universal search engine of academic literature has very good worldwide coverage of university repositories, including Czech universities.
- theses from more than forty Czech universities. Links to full texts are not always available (depends on the university).
- National Repository of Grey Literature (NRGL): allows search across 18 universities. If the record found does not redirect you to respective university repository, click on the link to the Original record.
Selected institutional repositories
- Czech Technical University in Prague: use main searching box located at the top of website or go directly to theses from a specific department. Most of the theses are freely accessible. You can also search for them in CTU library’s catalog. For more information, please contact the CTU library.
- University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague: access to the full texts is possible after logging in with your UCT Prague university account. Print versions of dissertations are available for on-site study at NTK and at individual UCT Prague departments (by appointment only).
- Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
- Charles University
- Masaryk University
- Brno University of Technology
- Mendel University in Brno
- Technical University of Liberec
- Technical University of Ostrava
- University of West Bohemia
- Tomas Bata University in Zlín
Your contact

Eva Poustková
- eva.poustkova
- 232 002 545
- 771 225 253